for the privilege of being part of this church people
for the humble man that leads the conversation
with loads of wisdom from above
for sharing in the circle

for the bread and cup
all are welcome
and " come to the table "
for the candles
i'm thankful for the good spirit
and the presence of God among us
i'm thankful for the cheer of velma
and chippy happy betty
and for quinn being there
i'm thankful for the meal after
where we continue the shared Supper

i'm thankful for the privilege
selah ..~
twice now
as in 2 times
the pastor has said things
that i've been thinking about over the last few years
and that i've never ever heard said by a preacher
that rocks me
there's somebody else out there
thinking the same things ...
that's wild
either i'm not such a heretic after all
or we're both heretics

God's creating adam as a complete human
male/female in one person ..
and then he split adam
like the splitting of the atom
into male and female ...
massive stuff ..
resonates well
very well
that's just like my God
( after all
wasn't adam created in the image and likeness of Creator ?
and since when was Creator a male ? )
i'm thankful ...

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