in them thar stars ..
the numbers are too big
probabilities too high
to simply diss' the thought
....... ... ..
i don't care ...
that there could be life out there
i don't care
there's life here
in my face
and as a wise man once said
don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself
each day has enough trouble of its own
tweakin' that a bit
i'm thinking that i need to be paying most attention
to what's here
and what's now
rather than postulating on the scientifics and mathematics
of life out there in the vastness and wonder of God's creative activity ...
where i have no say
can't help
can do nothin' ...
in the famously popular discourse of Jesus
his 'sermon on the mount' (Matthew 5 ff)
he said some things
things we've become so familiar with
we tend to writeoff
as 'nice'

as if he was telling a bedtime story
before he fed them and put them to bed ...
Jesus is anything but a joker
anything but a player ...
Jesus was dead serious ...
and the issue is trusting Godfather
with my life ...
selah ..~
there we find the 'beatitudes'
and the saltiness and lightness his followers are to be to the world
there we find the "you have heard it said" 's
and the fact that murder and adultery are heart issues
eyeforeye and toothfortooth
and the Messiahness of
turning the other cheek
giving up your coat as well as your shirt
going the extra mile ....... .. . ... .
giving giving giving
spending my life ...
there we find the massively disconcerting statement
love your enemy ...
your enemy mind you
For if you love those who love you what reward will you have?
And if you greet only your brothers
what are you doing out of the ordinary?
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.
For He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good,
and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
huh ?
note the underlined words
words Jesus himself spoke
these things we like to write off
pass off
rationalize ...
" you obviously can't take that literally .. "
tell that to Jesus when you see him ..
and then there are his comments about blowingyourowntrumpet
posturing for people to see how holy i am
making sure people see that i gave
or how much i gave
instead of keeping it private between me and Godfather
making a big show of praying to impress
instead of talking to Godfather privately
from my heart
and it'e there we find the famously fictionalized pieinthesky comments
of Messiah Jesus about worry ...
where i started this blogpost ...
Jesus didn't mention losing it all to Madoff or a Ponzi scheme
he went to the lifebasics

and he beautifully placed trust in God in it's context
context of Godfather's care for the birds
of his adorning the wild lillies
so they surpass Solomon's glory
of lengthofdays
tell me.. can you by worrying
add a single hour to your lifespan ? ?
it's all about trust and faith in Godfather

if i can't trust him with my life
what good is he ? ? ?
what good is my faith ?
just a lotta 'longtalk'
God is creator
is he not sustainer too ? ? (Hebrews 1:3)
does he or does he not give life
sustain life
at the baselevel of my needs
is to trust
mine is to faith
mine is to lay my life in the powerful caring hands of Creator God
my father
master of the universe
me ? ?
without fear ...
all of me laid out naked and exposed before him
in absolute trust
with everything i am
with my life
all else is fail
anything else is fail
huge fail ...
therefore ...
seek the kingdom of God
and his righteousness
and all these things will be provided for me ...
thing is
do i believe that
as in faith it
as in trust him who said it
as in trust him of whom it was said
do i ? ? ?
or do i pull a fallback ...
on my job
home equity
retirement package
social security
is it God i trust ?
or my security
my ability
my business acumen
my empire
selah ..~
help me
i believe
help me in my unbelief
to take the things Jesus said to heart
to trust you implicitly
so that the truth of Jesus may light my soul
energize my lifeblood
play out in me
so that others may see the truth of Jesus
in me
and others be truthed too
by Jesus
for your glory
well said oh that I could be a light for him with no pretence no beating around robin hood's barn just straight talk to the point laying all at his feet letting the flood rush out and the calm waters of his love sooth the soul
ReplyDeletei wish that for you
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing it