a short man named zaccheus
climbed a tree so he could see Jesus
he had heard much
Jesus went to him sitting in that tree
and invited himself to his home
people grumbled and muttered and complained
zaccheus laid it out
in the midst of their hatred
he would give away 1/2 his stuff to the poor
and repay anyone he had cheated four times as much
4 times as much ...
half to the poor ...
that was what the hated chief of the tax collection agency said ....... ...
before Jesus said anything about forgiveness
which came first
the grace
or the repentance ? ?
grace always came first

regardless of repentance
regardless of acceptance or rejection
so went the message today
followed by a wonderful illustration of grace
in the breaking of the bread and the pouring of the wine
apparently luke 15-19 are known as the gospel to the rejected
there is no rejection with God

any rejection occurs at our level
from our hearts ...
his is a heart of love overflowing with grace
at the table
" all are welcome " it was said
" all are welcome "
and my heart warmed
am welcome
blessings. .. ..

........ .. . .... .. . .. ...
i walked into that sanctuary with a heavy heart today
grace was on my heart
her young soul
was gone from this earth
after barely 4 years
noone deserves what she went through
and the God of Grace alone knows

she was taken before she even got to know what life on earth is like
what it means to be a grown human
i had begged for her life
but the forces that ply the atmosphere were in array against the forces of good and of God ...
God decided that he wanted her by him
he wanted to hold her
he wanted to hug her and whisper daddy stuff in her ear
either way
grace is gone home
and she sits under some shadetree in a very green meadow
with flowers

waving their petals in the breezes that blow through that meadow
and ruffle her hair
she smiles now
all smiles
in the warm embrace of Jesus
the smell of him warming her heart

blessed peace
Lovely tribute
ReplyDeleteI weep for you. Sorry for your heartache.