a long long time ago
somewhere far away
there was a revolt ..
a high official in the court of the king
the king's right hand man
led it
he had risen to a position of honour with the king
and was charged with his protection
a coveted post reserved for only the most trustworthy
for the honour of the king was a matter of the highest import
apart from this the official was tremendously blessed
he stood headandshoulders above the others in the king's court
he was very handsome
and he had a special talent
he was able to make the most glorious music
majestic sound that awed everyone listening
he was almost a shoo-in
noone else came close
the king trusted him with his honor
and he honoured the king with that marvelous music he was able to make
in the presence of all the courtiers
he was the king's personal honourguard
.... . . . . .. .
it so happened that this man's own honour grew among the people
he recognized the honour he had been given to serve the king as his personal honourguard
he knew of course the effects his gifts and talents had on them all
and he relished every moment
such that over time he became enamoured with his own honour ..
he began to think of himself
as the king
" the people love me
they wait for me to appear every day
they long to see me
and to hear my music
they cry out for me
and applaud when i reveal myself ..
is it not commonly known that there is none like me in the land ? ..
mirror mirror - am i not the most beautiful ?
how then is it that he garners all the praise at the solemn assemblies
why does he have all the power
who is he that noone else can compare or take his place ? ..
the people love me

and so it went ..
... . .. .. . . . . .
slowly he began to build support ..
here and there he made guarded comments
said things
asked questions ..
he never slighted the king outright of course
or slandered his honour
or complained of mistreatment or unfairness or injustice ..
to do that would have been seen for the allout lie it was ..
he simply planted doubtseeds here and there
sprinkling them in almost undiscernible ways and places
so that noone could ever have accused him of being unthankful or dissatisfied or slighted
and so it went
.. . . .. . . .
over time the king's personal honourguard began to be honoured
even in the king's presence
the people's laud of him became more and more open
the king was not unaware of this of course
after all he was not the king for no reason
he was marvelously wise and astute
hardly anything escaped his wisdom
he knew
and he needed not that anyone tell him what was in hearts
for he himself knew the hearts
the motivations
secret though they may be
but he allowed it
he wanted to see where this silent rebellion would lead
who it would effect
how it would affect his kingdom
he was the king
and he wasn't the king for no reason
he was marvelously wise
he knew the hearts
.. .. . ..
one day
long long ago
the honourguard came out ..
he decided the time was ripe
he took the step
the coup was on
almost a third of the people joined in the rebellion against the king
the rebel forces were strong and formidable
the ones that stood with the king fought hard
the battle raged and the casualties were enormous
eventually the king's forces won the day
the rebellion was put down
the honourguard and his rebel forces were taken prisoner and held in chains
awaiting the king's edict
.. . . ...... .
the people were shocked
" how could this have happened "
" who would have thought ... ? "
" i never imagined .. he of all people .. "
and so it went ..
until the day the king called his court to inform them of his decision
they waited
sure that the king would make an example of the dishonoured honourguard
how dare he have challenged the king ? !
he was surely to be bound in chains
and cast into the deepest pit for a thousand years
better yet for ever ..
that would be only just recompense for such dastardly a deed
and coming from the king's own honourguard !
unheard of ..
the king arrived
silence pervaded the court
the king's new honourguard were in array
several mighty men
some still bearing the visible wounds of the battle
using a sword for support
or the shoulder of a fellow honourguard ..
finally the king spoke
he spoke to the dishonoured in a calm measured voice
more to come ..
Hey that's not fair!!!
ReplyDeleteha.. sorry.. it got longer than i imagined .. besides running out if time, i figured some would tire of reading a longer post .. i intend to go further soon.. thanx for your comment