or in the moonlit shade of some tree ..
or not
sometimes he'd stay with a friend
a night
or two
he travelled quite a bit
on sandalled foot
occasionally some kind soul would fix a hot meal
a bowl of soup with fish and veg and leeks
or give him a loaf of bread
and a fish
or two
sometimes he'd wander into a field of grain
eat it raw
or pluck a fig
or two
he bathed in cold streams along the way
'cept when a friend poured a warmed bath
and he got to lather with homemade soap
rub down with oil of olive
he had a change of clothes, you know
but that was for sabbath ..
the only time he changed recently
was when that kind woman gave him her husband's ..
he was gone now
mostly he lived off what the land offered
or a friend
or a kindhearted soul
he was hungry sometimes
needed a change of wear
could have used a good night's sleep
or two
on a plush feather bed
or in a hay loft
but mostly
he was lonely
.... .. .

he missed home
the company
around a warm fire
belly full
wine poured
he missed Dad's company
missed seeing him
long walks into the darkness of night
long talks into the darkness
eyebrows raised quizzically at some oddity
some curiosity
mouth turned up in one corner at some laughable incident
eyes wide in wonder
excited at some new plan for the garden
or the tent
lonely here
but not alone
Dad always there
somehow ..
always ...
busy doing this and that
or simply gazing into the marvel of space
thoughtful eyes squinting slightly
mind wandering
turning like the innards of some old pocket watch
that never seemed to die
ever ticking away in somebody's fob pocket
barely noticed
time runs out ..
then they fumble frantically for it
pull it out by the chain
and gaze

always on time
faithful as ever
Dad was there
always there
always on time ...
and when the night stretched out too long for sleeplessness
or it got too cold to even dream of sleep
he'd talk
amid chattering teeth and blued lips
to Dad
" why am i here again ? "
" remind me "
as if he really needed reminding ...
just to have someone to talk to
hear his voice
clear as that stream he'd washed in yesterday
gentle as that kind old woman's touch
when she pulled out the fishhook from his left heel
and daubed that rusty cut with ointment ...
love that voice ...
he just needed someone to talk to
someone to eat with
someone to just sit close by
listen to the street musicians ply their sounds
sweet notes in the evening light ...
lonely days
lonely nights ...
for the joy set before him
he endured
.... .. . . .
and now
he's home
with Dad
walking in the dark light of the stars
talking into the darkness
about us
and light
and salt
and love
and stuff ...
and i can't wait ...
Wow and wow my friend