i began this post 2 weeks ago ..
i paused it because i was really pissed off
and decided writing it out of that frame of mind would do no good..
i'm back ..
... . .. . ... .. . . . .
and now i'm angry ..
at least i was 2 days ago when i started this
i decided not to post it yesterday ... the Lord's day
a good and faithful loving friend told me today i need to be less angry
more peaceful and pleasant
especially when it comes to my blogging which people may well misinterpret ...
i hope they don't misinterpret
i hope they get that i am angry
Jesus got angry
very angry
at the religious leadership for misleading his people
and misrepresenting their God ..
and since i'm looking to be Jesus .. . .. .. . .
i'm angry
today i attended a symposium on the homeless
in the context of a world vision for
in their words
a world that works for everyone: a socially just, environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilled human presence on this planet — a New Dream for humanity. ..
i get that
i think it's good stuff
in fact it sounds quite like what 'christianity' should be fostering ?
there's this almost in-credible passage of Scripture ..
" They seek Me day after day and delight to know My ways, like a nation that does what is right and does not abandon the justice of their God.
They ask Me for righteous judgments; they delight in the nearness of God. "
“Why have we fasted, but You have not seen? We have denied ourselves, but You haven’t noticed!”
“Look, you do as you please on the day of your fast, and oppress all your workers.
You fast with contention and strife to strike viciously with your fist.
You cannot fast as you do today, hoping to make your voice heard on high.
Will the fast I choose be like this - a day for a person to deny himself, to bow his head like a reed, and to spread out sackcloth and ashes?
Will you call this a fast and a day acceptable to the Lord?
Isn’t the fast I choose: To break the chains of wickedness, to untie the ropes of the yoke, to set the oppressed free, and to tear off every yoke?
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, to bring the poor and homeless into your house, to clothe the naked when you see him, and not to ignore your own flesh and blood?
Then your light will appear like the dawn, and your recovery will come quickly. Your righteousness will go before you, and the Lord’s glory will be your rear guard. " ..
so says God ..
Creator God
... . . . . .
i saw the videos
listened to the speakers
joined in the smallgroup conversation
even joined the pauses for deepbreathing and stillness and refection ...
i went the whole 9 yards ..
part 1 - what's the situation
it's horrible !
much of the damage irrecoverable
part 2 - how'd we get here in this mess
money money money !
in Biblical terminology ' the love of money '
part 3 - beginning the ' spiritual ' thingy ...
the part where i am the earth
i am destroying my self when i diss' the earth
and the lead-in to that
probably indiscernible to most there
where the act of creation gets diss'ed
and evolution is espoused
even apart from Creator God ..
and the stupid ' christian ' mess we christians created gets to be the bouncing ball ... !
and i got upset .. . .. . .. .
how on earth could we have allowed that to happen ? ? !
so that industrialization takes the brunt of the blame
and rightly so
along with the white ' race ' ..
and that's where the connection lies ..
the ' white religion ' of christianity
is wrapped tightly around empire ..
specifically the European/British/American empires
and the white man's god is seen as the perpetrator and enabler
of oppression and Earthrape ..
? ?
i'm angry ! !
and christianity is to bear some blame
hands down
" so here
let's take a minute to pause
and take a deep breath
iiiiinnnnnn ..
oooooouut ..
and reflect on what we've heard
and how we feel about it "
so went the facilitator ...
and probably a good practice at this point ...
'cause i'm angry
selah ..~
how could we have allowed Jesus to be coopted
into the destruction of the very Earth we were made responsible for .. ?
we are the overseers
and we allow ourselves to be sucked into it's enslavement
under the christian guise that the earth was put here for our use
for our utility ..
and we get to
strip it
mine it
fish it
cut it down
fill the air with destructive gases
frack it for natural gas
drill it for oil
and peddle all that for profit
at the cost of not only the damage to the ecosystem
but the damage to the indigenous cultures in those places
and the damage to humanity ..
the number of Godmade species that have become extinct in recent decades is mindboggling ..
the number of species that are well on the way to becoming extinct is mindboggling ..
90% of large ocean fish are gone as 1 example
and lions and tigers fall in the same bucket
the black rhino
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on .. . . .
it's madness !
sick ! ! !
all of creation is sick
and i know why ..
what gets my goat .. .
i remember clearly
when the environmental movement was gaining notoriety
(back before Al Gore days)
being told from pulpit and christian literature
that, in effect, the world was here for mankind's use ..
that one day Jesus was coming back to take us out of the Earth
and he would destroy the earth
so we need to be focusing on ....
= converting the world to that same 'white man's religion' ..
conservationist thinking was not for us
just a lot of people freaking out
it's all going to be redone anyway ..
and some of that exists to this very day !
i remember that
it obviously put wasn't in those terms
but i remember ..
selah ..~
i'm angry ..
as in ' us '
injured the cause of Messsiah Jesus
who will one day reclaim the earth
refurbish it
release creation from it's slavery to death and destruction
repopulate the earth
and himself live here
on Earth
this Earth
the very one he created in the first place
in harmony with each other
and with nature ..
... creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.
For the creation was subjected to frustration - not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it - in the hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay
and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. ..
apostle paul ..
thank God we are new creations in Messiah Jesus
but the rest of creation too will undergo recreation
when Messiah Jesus completes his ministry of reconciliation
when He abolishes all rule and all authority and power.
For He must reign until He puts all His enemies under His feet ..
christianity has been complicit in the uncreation of creation
and we stand dark ..
mouths shut

under the glare of Creator Jesus
it was all his creation
all of it
and it was good
and we
as in us
were charged with the oversight
we are to blame
selah ..~
i've ranted and i've raved
because we have given the Satan (read Accuser)
a major whip
with which to strip the flesh off Messiah's back
under the guise of environmentalism
and spiritism
and universalism
and shamanism
and ancestralism
and mother earth ...
when we were the designated authority all along
the rightful God-given authority to administer justice over all his creation ..
and we have so failed
and we have so disgraced the holy name of Creator God
under his own banner, mind you
that we ourselves are, of all men,
to be considered totally unworthy to bear the name of Messiah Jesus
hear that
whoever had ears to hear ..
sound harsh ?
too rough ?
i'm angry that we 'christians'
are the very reason
CHRISTianity ...
while we meet today in our mutimillionUS$ temples
with all the lights and instrumentation
all the flash and flare
glitter and glare
all the showmanship
to impress people
with us
under the name of Jesus ..
we smell
we stink
and real people admit it ..
people who look on from the outside
smell the stink
and it is as much a stink to them
as it is
himself ..
go back and read the Isaiah 58 passage above ..
selah ..~
Lord God
creator of heaven and earth
and of all that in them dwells ..
may your name be hallowed ..
i humbly ask your forgiveness
in the name of Jesus
for the utter madness we have entertained
for shirking the responsibility and authority you gave us in the Earth
for shuffling that authority off to evil and wicked mankind
who for worldly gain have raped this planet
leaving it poor
virtually destitute
damaged almost beyond repair
in drastic condition ..
and for being complicit in it all
even allowing the world to see it as associated with you
under the name of CHRISTianity....... .. .. .. .. . !
we deserve nothing less than punishment
severe punishment
for our negligence
but ..
we humbly ask your forgiveness
help us to be repentant
to turn around and be
frontrunners in the movement to reclaim
to undo what can be undone ..
to show the nations that your creation is good
you made it so ..
to honour you among mankind
by exerting ourselves in the engagement of the wicked powers that underlie the money worshippers ..
to help those people who have been impoverished
and driven out of their homes and their homelands
and killed
for the sake of wealth
and power
and the love of money ..
forgive us our mighty trespasses
against your earth
and against humanity
against you
and help us to diss' the things we have been taught
even taught in your name ..
the things that do injustice to your creation
and injustice to your humanity

forgive us
we have sinned
against our neighbour
and against you
change us
as we seek to be changed
in Jesus' name