what a story it is ..
imagine .. . .
the same God that created human in his own image and likeness
steps off his throne
removes his finery
walks away from his majesty
out of heaven's glory ..
creates himself in the image and likeness of human
steps into our world
dons a simple robe of ordinary baby-flesh
on a bed of straw in a stable
while animals watch and take up the chorus
" Allelu-jah !
Emmanu-el ! "
echoing the angel host in their own way
.. . . .
the Earth receives her king
crying out for his first breath
reaching out for his first touch of the familiar flushed cheek of his mother
human-to-human ..
... . .

removes his robe
takes a basin and towel
kneels and washes the feet of his disciples
with her tears
.. perhaps he learned the freedom of that from her
for she loved deeply ..
" if I, your lord and teacher, wash your feet,
you should follow my example and wash each other's feet .. "
" a servant isn't greater than his master;
and yet i, your master, am among you as a servant .. "
God serving human ..
... . . . . .
and when the time had come
he cried out in agony to be released from it - if it was possible
Earth rejects her king
and abuses his humanity
such that he is no longer recognizable as a human ..
the image of God is marred beyond recognition
king of kings
servant of servants
lord of lords
loves his own flesh to the very end
. . . . ........ .
God's in-credible un-believable movement echoes off the walls of Earthstory like some wonderful enduring symphony
and all the cosmos listens awestruck to the never-before-heard melody
.. . .
and things will never be the same again
.. . . . .
God serving humanity as human
for the reconciliation of all things ..
things in the Earth

things outside the Earth ..
all things
for the glory of God
... .. . . .
reconciliation ..
and the circle is completed ..
... .. . .
to come
come !
o, please come ..
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