that link is to a story on HLN
a story you need to watch
because it's illuminating
it sheds light on the ' homeless '
that class of people we tend to
walk by, eyes averted
cross the street so we don't have to deal with their cup and cardboard sign
speak-out against because they leave garbage
or old clothes
or needles
after all, they're bums
a blight on society
they look dirty
they smell bad
they make me sick !
they're drunks
mentally insane, at some level
' the offscouring ' of our society ..
they should be Guantanmo-ed
removed from society
aside from the diss'ing
we offer them helpful advice like
" get a job ! " ...
we rough them up
curse them
like in this video as a for-example
we want them to disappear
after all
it's the strong that survive
the fit whose genes are passed on under the umbrella of evolution
right ?
the weak perish naturally
they're weeded out by the natural course of nature ..
and we just salved our collective conscience ..
how .. convenient
and leaving them out there
in the dread winter weather
( imagine sleeping outside on the east coast this last week of serious cold )
maybe hoping nature will do the job for us
as they die-off
one by one
from cold and wet and hunger and disease and drugs and alcohol and their inverted minds that can't handle the incessant wandering-homeless-hungry-cold-berating-beatings-rats ...
but the above story defies those odds ..
'course it's only one
and he's the anomaly, the exception to the rule ...
" see? that's what i been sayin'.. the good ole american way !
an enterprising spirit will be rewarded ..
a capitalistic mindset will always payoff " ..
he doesn't deserve to be homeless ..
.. . ...... . .
which begs the question ..
does anyone deserve to be homeless ? ?
........ . ... .
" well then they shouldn't have .. " done this or that
" they should have .. " done that or this
... .. ... . . .
a long long time ago
there was this wiseman
a sage
he was homeless ..
he actually had a purpose in life
something he had to do
but on the road to that something
he did a lot of other things
things to help hurting people
things that spoke to his compassion
for the abused ( the adulterous woman of John 8 )
for the hurt
the hungry
the marginalized ( adulterer )
outsiders ( lepers )
the ' crazy ' ( demon-possessed )
the sick
even the sick family of his enemies
like the daughter of the synagogue-head, Jairus
( the woman trapped in her bleeding for 12 years )
the lame ( the man at the pool of Siloam )
the begger
the usurping thieving civil servant ( zaccheus )
.... . . . . . . . .
that sage is my rabbi
i follow him
i intend to follow him
he resets my worldview
he points-out my path
he is my icon
he is my example
i look to see what he thought and did and how he approached stuff
how he spoke
his attitude ..
like that ..
and then
i try
to think like him
to do like him
approach like him
speak like him
attitude like him
be him
... . .
we live in a world system that lies under the continuing influence of the powers of darkness
the Satan is not yet a done deal
his ultimate defeat is still in the future
mine is to see that for what it is
and move in a direction that counters
works against that system
and works for people
people created in the image and likeness of
God .... .
i defend them from the system ..
when you see that video
and you're thinking that guy deserves not to be homeless
maybe you should consider that
all people are humans
every one
each one
and every human is created in the image and likeness of God
think about that ..
when you diss' a human
you are diss'ing a God-like being
they are not animals
they are
and me
one day
that sage will raise them from the dead
all of them
each one
and me
they deserve compassion ..
you'll stop for a homeless cat or dog
or an injured bird ..

they deserve
they deserve our love
remember that we are rebels-at-heart
children of disobedience ..
but God who is rich in mercy
gave the life of his own GodSon
his very life
to help us out of that
redeem us
rescue us
should we not be looking to do the same .. . . . ? ?
think . . . .
think with your heart
go and do likewise
in Jesus' name
for God's honour
Amen, brother.