and making the very radical move to a small fundamentalist church
the first such in that country
rebellion against the mainstream anglican and catholic and whoever
was my upbringing ..
we were castigated as it was ..
to rebel against the castigation was .. natural almost
it's the ol' response-driven christianity thingy
we end up defining ourselves
drawing our lines in the sand
based on our response to attack
or perceived attack
whether from without or from within christianity itself ..
many denominations have been formed and defined like that
so that some historic mainline things
like the christian calendar and the seasons there
except for christmas and easter
were sidelined ..
and there was good reason for some of it too ..
... . .. . .
brings me to Advent ..

( see wiki )
good stuff , methinks
a season of
death ..
but also of anticipation ..
it is a time of waiting in expectation
for the day is coming
glorious day ..
Immanu-el is born
selah ..~
... . . . . . . .
advent represents another opportunity for solemnity and sobriety ..
" opportunity " ? you say
opportunity ..
coloured purple by the churches that observe ..
as winter bites
thoughts of the fallenness of our Earth systems
the massive abuses
on humanity
on our environment
the seemingly irresistible rush towards wealth
at the expense of the majority
the imbalance of the material and the spiritual
the media and the politics of subversion and propaganda
imprisoning generation after generation of children
behind the bars of musthave
raising me-me's
at the dire cost of compassion
and of humanity ..
a wise man said
" Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice.
It is the protection of a fundamental human right,
the right to dignity and a decent life.
While poverty persists, there is no true freedom. ”
that's kinda some of the reasoning behind
the ' opportunity for solemnity and sobriety '
a break from the normalcy of our twisted worldview
to reflect on what really matters ..
.. . .
there's a new day comin'
i can see it !
light on the horizon

dawn ..
day is on the way
the thaw
i can see it
it's almost here ..
with us ..
think about that ..
selah ..~
he's coming
he came
he lived among us
he showed us the lightway
lit the path by living out God in this very same world ..
he exampled for us
and he's coming back
one more time
to finish what he started
that grand mission of reconciliation
coloured blue
that's the upswing of Advent
there's the balance ..
glorious release
the great Undoing of the Satan
the putting-down of all authority and power everywhere in the universe
and bringing it all under the authority of God
that God may be all in all
reconciliation ..
selah ..~
for now
we do Advent
we weep with those who weep
and mourn with the mourners
we wrap our arms around the weak
embracing their weaknesses
as our own
pulling them in
compassioning ..
and softly taking their face and turning it
redirecting their gaze towards that eastern sky
from whence cometh the Lord
the king
in power and glory
to redeem this earth
turn it back towards home
thy will be done on this Earth even as it is done in Heaven
there's hope for ya
that's something you can get your teeth into
bite down
savour the taste
sweet prospect of settingthingsright ..
Advent ..
think on it
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