he's a homeless person
a vet
lost his 20-something year-old son to a car accident recently ..
he's been dealing with it as best he can
mostly by drowning himself
in alcohol ..
he left a few days ago
much to my chagrin
i'd developed a special place for him inside me ..
was thinking while walking to the coffee shop ..
i need to be careful of that, i suppose
i really need to treat all of my homeless friends as friends
and not be favoriting ..
but i like him a lot
so i was sad to see him go ..
a couple days ago i was in a warmup area with some of my homeless friends
and looked up to see a very beaten and frail Random walking in ..
i was elated, privately
i'm so glad he came back
God gives me more room to be his friend ..
he left because a friend was leaving and convinced him to go along ..
15 miles from here they were walking along some railroad tracks
and Random started falling behind ..
then the next thing he knew someone was banging on his chest ..
some people found him and called 911
they brought him back to the hospital
ran some tests ..
he's due to go to a clinic monday ..
he was severely dehydrated ..
his hands were shaking when i sat him down
he smelled bad
really bad
could hardly speak
looked like he could die any minute ..
i gave him hot coffee water a hot shower a change of clothes breakfast water more coffee
and he left

sitting on the sidewalk
waiting for the Circle
waiting for lunch
sober ... ha !
suhweet ! ..
he's back
he's back
thank you Father
help me to know how to to be his friend
and to learn from him
.. allow him to be my Jesus ..
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