Monday, August 12, 2013

transformation ... more

i was privileged today

as i was walking to my car
this dude rides up on his bike
and asks for help

we talked for a couple minutes ...
well. actually he did the talking

he needed food and a bath ...

and he was angry

he was angry at having to ask
and at the system that got him to where he was

some might respond to that
with thoughts of
'sooooo.... you're being played'
or some such

he cried
while he was angry

we went to the house of the waffle
and i told him order anything he wanted
and as much as he wanted
he had 2 pork chops and grits
coffee and coke

and he talked

he spoke of the history of this area
the black history

he spoke of the blessing
of each human being unique
being able to bring
their unique perspective to bear on life
for the benefit of us all

he spoke of the dire need for listeners
people who will simply listen
and noted that we are too tied up
in ourselves
to listen
to care enough
to listen

he was not a stupid man
not at all

he was

selah ... ~

i was privileged today

i'll get lucky


1 comment:

  1. Wow !!!!!! not much else to say you were privileged.
