july 4 is here
the time when people pledge an oath
to the USA
(and many other countries do similar)
i must be careful here
i certainly do not intend to be offensive
the Lord requires us to recognize the valid authority of our government
but consider this, from ushistory.org on the pledge of allegiance
The original Bellamy salute, first described in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, who authored the original Pledge, began with a military salute, and after reciting the words "to the flag," the arm was extended toward the flag.
sound familiar?

my allegiance is to one only lord
one only master
one only king
i am a citizen of a realm that supercedes this one
earthly citizenship lands squarely in second place
and i better not confuse the two
.... or combine the two?
which could well lead to
confuse the two ...
my alleigance to anything
must fall under
and within
my allegiance to jesus
.. else, fail
the blog below discusses the implication of performing nationalistic rituals in the context of our churching
peace ...
I see nothing wrong with flying the flag and being patriotic as long as it does. To become idolatry; after all, with over 100 nations on this planet, people choose to live here. (Does not become idolatry...this will not let me correct). It is very easy to cross the line, and Christians need to be mindful of that.