that we want the state to deal with human suffering ..
it's said of some christians that when the great plague destroyed 1/3 of european humanity
instead of running from towns where the plague hit
they moved in and helped/comforted those left to die of that awful killer
a marvelous demonstration of newlife in Jesus and his intent to love all
even if it means giving up my life in the doing of it ..
( course the scriptures teach from the mouth of Jesus himself that we are to lose our lives, give them up, in the pursuit of him, as disciples .. )
( http://www.christianitytoday.com/ch/1991/issue30/3011.html )
point being, Jesus didn't make it incumbent on the government to relieve the condition of the poor and fatherless and widow and alien
we run towards suffering, not away from it ..
it was always a matter of loving my neighbour ..
selah ..~
a couple things .
- we had to turn away people that wanted to spend the night sleeping on the lawn last night destined for temps in the mid-30's
young people
one of them a deaf/mute girl /./. ..
one day, God helping me, this is going to stop
at least in this place
someones will have to stop us doing it ..
- there is now officially a rationing of water usage in this place due to the worst drought in decades
guess who feels the brunt of that firstmost and foremost ??
the homeless will ..
seems the people who live on the fringes are the first to be pushed further out when things like this occur
shouldn't they be last to be hit ?
they are already on the edge of life
how much further we going to push them ??
not i
i'm fighting it ..
any little way i can ..
God being my help ..
stay tuned ..
and pray for the hurting, the suffering, the margined
in Jesus' name
go and do likewise . . . . . ..
shalom ..
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