that assails us every morning
from eye-opening
from the get-go
we see what we see
we hear what we hear
and we march into the day
based mostly on what we've seen and heard
on what attacks our consciousness
that particular day
some of it may be leftovers
from yesterday
or last week
or last month
mostly though
it's what hits us
between the braineyes
that morning
as we move into life
selah .. ~
seems that as humans
maybe rooted in survival-instinct
we pay the most attention
to what grabs our attention
at that point in time
if there's a bear or a wolf or a deer
we grab a bow or a spear
and go to battle
for life
for food
for warmth
for family
nothing mindblowing there
makes sense
except ...
if we are spiritual beings
we know stuff
about stuff
other stuff
behind the attention-grabbing inyourface morning stuff
thing is
we operate on more than 1 level
and the way we approach life
is an outgrowth of our mode
at that particular time
if we're in the flesh mode
where we attend to what confronts our flesh
we will respond differently
if we're in spirit mode
for the flesh
wars against the spirit
and the twain cannot rule coequally
they are naturally at odds
one will dominate the other
selah .. ~
apostle paul
discusses this basic conflict
in his letter to the roman church
(chapters 7 and 8; see also Galatians)
and regardless of how you interpret his argument
there is one outstanding endpoint ...
if we disciple to Messiah Jesus
we are new creations
as in created anew
our new lives
are now empowered by the Spirit

this newlife
places priority on spirit
and runs into life on Spiritfuel
it sees flesh
under the pressured influence of
life in this world
under the systems of this world
... destructive
it knows that spiritlife
is the only viable means
of overcoming
in this dark world
speaks to newme
as in
but different
it points to that war
between the flesh and the spirit
and posits that we subdue our flesh under our spirit
under the empowering power of the Spirit
when this new balance
is in place
we are under the control
of the Spirit
to see this broken world
for what it is
and to respond
rather than to react
in balance
as Jesus
this approach
new approach
operates under the worldview
of reality
it redefines reality
it gives us other eyes
to see the real reality
to operate on the level
of what is behind what assaults our senses
in back of what we see and hear and feel
lies the truth of life
life now
life future
life eternal
our reasonable response
is to worship
to praise
to sacrifice my life
in view of that reality
behind the reality
i need to have my spirit
in control of my flesh
and my spirit
subsumed by the Spirit
that's what Jesus did
precisely ...
he did that for me ...
shalom .. ~
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